Feature Roundup – Better Tasks for your OKRs

Reforge wrote a great post about their alternative to OKRs: NCTs. Though very similar to OKRs, this methodology includes Tasks in the acronym (some call them initiatives or projects).

This aligns well with the way we have built Tability too. Although the core of our platform is focuses on making sure you stay on top on your Objectives and Key Results, we understand that there is an undeniable connection between your OKRs and the Tasks you need to accomplish:

  • Objectives: where do we want to be at the end of the quarter? (direction)
  • Key Results:  how are we going to measure progress? (traction)
  • Tasks/Initiatives/Projects: what are our best bets to get there? (action)

With this in mind, our focus for this week will be on some much needed improvements on how you can contextualize and organize your weekly workflow around tasks and projects. 🚀

✨ What's new

Expand initiatives under your outcomes

This is the start of a big effort on initiatives/tasks this quarter! You can now list all the initiatives that belong to a certain outcome by clicking on the counter label in the same line.This will expand the list of initiatives right under the outcome, without having to open up the outcome panel.

Read more 👉

Change the roadmap state of your initiatives inline

We've just added a new option to let you change the roadmap state of your initiatives inline. You'll be able to move an initiative into this week's planning without having to leave the current view.

Read more 👉

💭 Content Highlights

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We'd love to hear from you

That's all for now! Please reach out or add your suggestions directly to our public roadmap if you have feedback or questions. You can even vote for features already planned to expedite them. If you want to chat to us directly or connect with other users, you can also find us in the Tability Slack Community.

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