How we used ChatGPT to build our new homepage and refine our SaaS product marketing

Today we're gonna break down into a few steps how you can use ChatGPT to refine your product marketing and improve messaging on your website. Whether you're a small startup or a proper marketing team in a large org, AI has empowered us in new ways to get more done and faster. Of course, we can never replace the brilliance of a proper copy-writer

  1. Using ChatGPT to help us define our goal
  2. Sourcing useful context for ChatGPT
  3. How to craft a marketing message with ChatGPT

Step 1: Using ChatGPT to help us define our goal

First off, lets start with the research. If we don't know what our end goal is, then it's hard to know whether or not we've accomplished it or not. Not only that, getting a clear criteria for what a great SaaS landing page headline should be, will give ChatGPT more to work with. Let's start with a simple prompt.

Prompt: What makes a great headline for a saas landing page?

A great headline for a SaaS (Software as a Service) landing page should capture the attention of visitors, create interest, and convey the value proposition of your product. Here are some key elements to consider when crafting a compelling headline:

Clarity: Ensure that your headline clearly communicates what your SaaS product does and the problem it solves. Use concise language that is easy to understand.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Highlight the unique benefits and features of your SaaS product that set it apart from competitors. Focus on the value it brings to customers.

Emotional Appeal: Appeal to the emotions and aspirations of your target audience. Show how your SaaS product can positively impact their lives or businesses.

Use Action Words: Incorporate strong action verbs to create a sense of urgency or excitement. Encourage visitors to take action or engage with your product.

Conciseness: Keep your headline short and to the point. Avoid jargon or complex language that may confuse or alienate your audience.

Benefit-Oriented: Clearly communicate the benefits and outcomes customers can expect from using your SaaS product. Focus on the value it provides rather than just listing features.

Targeted Audience: Tailor your headline to resonate with your specific target audience. Understand their pain points, needs, and desires to create a connection.

A/B Testing: Consider running A/B tests with different headline variations to determine which one resonates best with your target audience. Test and refine your headlines to improve conversion rates.

Example headline: "Boost Productivity and Streamline Workflows with our AI-Powered Project Management Software"

In this example, the headline clearly communicates the benefit of increased productivity and streamlined workflows. It mentions the use of AI, which indicates advanced technology, and highlights the software's purpose as project management. The headline targets individuals or businesses seeking improved efficiency and suggests that the solution is within reach by using the SaaS product

This is extremely general, and isn't much more than we would have gotten from a Google search and reading a few articles. However, this gives us a concise guideline that we can feed right back into ChatGPT to use.

Step 2: Sourcing useful context for ChatGPT

Now that we have some general information about what we want in a marketing message, the next step is to give it some context about ourselves.

You'll always get the best results from ChatGPT when you give it a lot to work with. Unlike people, AI can analyze a ton of data quickly and generate responses out of them. Not only this, but you can take a lot of scattered, seemingly random, content and it will make connections, analyze and give summaries out of that as well. The more you give it, the more it has to work with.

Next, we will be giving ChatGPT context about your company in several ways. You could write about your company and what it does. The more the better, but this is maybe the most tedius way. Another thing you can do is to send links to articles, blogposts, about pages, etc. as a way to have it digest a lot of existing content about your company.

However, we found that as a SaaS company, our customers know best. Luckily we have gathered a number of user reviews on from our loyal customers that talk directly about the value that they get from us. There's even a question as part of the review process that asks, "What problems is Tability solving and how is that benefiting you?" Now, if that's not what you should be talking about on your landing page, then I don't know what is. We know our product well, but this set of answers gave us so much insight into the value that we bring people, that we personally don't always know how to express well.

Here are a few of those quotes:

We're finally aligned as a team on what we have to accomplish, who's accountable, and everyone has visibility. It's honestly amazing.
It is solving a major problem for many companies to align company objectives with team/individual objectives
We are solving our understanding of our progress towards our goals much better. This enables us to be more focused thus more productive around financial goals.
Our team meetings have been streamlined and users are reporting and being accountable for their metrics.

Step 3: How to craft a marketing message with ChatGPT

So we took this set of answers and plugged that into ChatGPT along with the criteria for a good headline, that we got earlier.

I added 15 of our favorite testimonials and fed it with the prompt. Along with the user reviews, I also added a few directions of my own to clean up the results. I suggest running the prompt a few times and adding your own rules based on what you want to change about the results.

Here's the final prompt:

Using the criteria above for a great SaaS hero statement, write me 10 examples I can use for my company, Tability.

Also follow these rules:
- Do not use the term "OKR" or "OKRs" in the result. We want it to appeal to a more general audience.
- Don't mention the name, Tability, as it's already implied
- Use less than 8 words
- Use action words

For reference, here are some testimonials from our customers that explain the value and benefits they get from Tability:(followed by the list of user reviews)

The results

Here are the results ChatGPT gave me:

  1. Align, track, and conquer your team's goals.
  2. Plan, track, and achieve with precision.
  3. Unlock seamless alignment and skyrocket productivity.
  4. Boost team performance with simplified goal tracking.
  5. Drive growth with transparent goal management.
  6. Streamline teamwork and accelerate success.
  7. Maximize productivity through crystal-clear objectives.
  8. Empower teams to excel with goal-driven collaboration.
  9. Achieve more together with effortless goal tracking.
  10. Supercharge your team's potential with Tability.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with what ChatGPT came up with. It's never going to be perfect but it's a great place to start. From here it's adding new rules and adjusting the prompt in ways to get better and better results.

Here's how it looks in our new landing page:

What's Next? Adjust, refine, and A/B Test

Remember that your marketing message is never done. Change is the only constant when it comes to a SaaS business or startup. Your message is always going to change and need iterations to improve your conversions, grow with your product, and adapt to what's new.

As good as some of these results are, it's important to take a few of your favorites, and A/B test them on your site. You never really know what you're going to find out from trying different messages. While some sound better than others, you might find they don't perform as well. Getting that good data, and ultimately the better conversion, is always most important.

Planning goals for next quarter? Try GoalsGPT, our ChatGPT-powered goal generator. Create an entire plan for your team with a simple prompt.