What's new: comments, notifications... and a public roadmap

Our beta is almost 2 months old and we've worked hard in the past weeks to improve the experience. We focused mainly on 2 things lately:

  • Give you a better sense of progress
  • Make collaboration easier

Let's dive in to see what's new in Squadlytics.

A better sense of progress

When we launched the beta we put a lot of emphasis on the state of goals to help you see at a glance which goals were at-risk of off-track. But after talking to our users, we quickly realized after that it was critical to give a good sense of progress.

Progress bars for completion

We added progress bars in dashboards and project pages to make it easier to visualize the completion of goals.

Focus reports and subscribed reports

The focus report gives you a summary of your own progress, as well as suggestions for goals that you should prioritize.

You can also subscribe to projects (via the eye icon) and receive a weekly update giving you an overview of the state of the projects

Making collaboration easier

We're building Squadlytics to help teams stay focused together. We made some improvements to facilitate conversations around progress updates and accelerate the feedback loop on goals & results.

In-app notifications

You will now see notifications within the app when a teammate shares feedback on a goal that you own or that you care about.


We want Squadlytics to help teams collaborate around goals, and we're super excited to have released comments this week. You'll now be able to have discussions on status updates to get more context and provide some help.

What's next

We have made our roadmap public to help you see what our priorities are, and make it easier for you to provide feedback. You can vote on the things you care about and send us suggestions at feedback@squadlytics.com.

Check out our roadmap at https://trello.com/b/jFtwfQIG/squadlytics-roadmap.

You can sign up for Squadlytics today at https://squadlytics.com