Whole Team Pricing: OKRs for all!

tldr: Our pricing is unbeatable - not because we offer less, but because we want to encourage teams to share their OKRs with the everyone, not just the leadership.

Whole team pricing vs per user pricing

The biggest fundamental difference for our pricing package is that we have user tiers, not per user pricing. This means that you pay one single flat price for a set number of users (our top tier features unlimited users).

If you take a look at our pricing calculator on our pricing page, you’ll see that the savings for you is off the hook. For you, the customer, per team pricing is always going to be cheaper.

Unbeatable pricing, and save even more as you add more users

Pricing, why is it so cheap?

So the fundamental challenge about pricing is that it’s a balancing act. Charge too much and people won’t see the value in it. Charge too little and people won’t see the value in it (if it’s too cheap, it must not be as good as others).

This is true, but there's also the factor of usage. In a business software, you often have to consider your headcount when making these tooling decisions. How many users do we have to pay for? How much do we pay per user? Does every user need access?

OKRs are better with EVERYBODY

We fundamentally believe that OKRs are better with everyone involved. You want visibility and transparency across the entire org. We promote OKRs through a bottoms up approach, and that means that everyone can benefit and contribute from OKRs, not just the leadership team.

What we noticed with per user pricing (we’ve had this in the past) is that teams tend to gate-keep the product. Executives and leaders get access to the platform, they update goals on their teams behalf, and share a public link out as reports. Teams don’t have access, and when asked to join or get more details, they’re denied 😭

We don’t want this to happen.

Good for you, good for us

We figured that, theoretically, if were going to charge per user and we’re only getting your leadership team onboard, we were better off charging a flat low price and encouraging everyone on your team to onboard.

theoretical example, not actual pricing

We removed the growth barrier, allowing for a more sharing and free flowing participation from your team.

Same price (or cheaper) for more users and better adoption of the product. Good for you, good for us.

This just made a lot of sense to us 🤝

Let us know what you think of our pricing, our product, or any feedback you may have. We love talking to our customers ❤️ email us at team@tability.io

Want to learn more about Tability? Schedule a free demo of our product 💁🏽