Teams (beta)

With Tability, we're always trying to make collaboration around your goals and OKRs easier by bring transparency to your strategy and surfacing things that we think might be most important to you. One way to do this is with our newly launched feature – Teams.

You can now create teams in Tability, which gives your team a page with all relevant outcomes, plans and people. After you've created a team, you can link your teams to those plans and outcomes. This will allow you to:

  • Filter plans by teams
  • Have dedicated team pages to see all the plans and people attached to a team.
  • Filter outcomes by teams.

It's a pretty simple feature, but unlocks a lot of new ways to view information. This feature is currently in (beta) testing so we would love to hear any feedback you might have of the feature! Please let us know what you think.

✨ What's new

Generate goals and tasks via AI

Ai generated tasks for your OKRs

Last week we announced a new AI-powered OKR writing experince, and this week we're adding task generation to it too! Now after you've got some goals written down, you can generate tasks and action items that are generated based off the goal you selected.

Now you can truly go from a blank canvas to a complete strategy in seconds 🔥

Read more 👉

💭 Content Highlights

Great OKR dashboards will boost execution
Great OKR dashboards will give you true visibility on progress and make it 10x easier to keep everyone engaged.

Don't forget to follow us on twitter or linkedin! We have tons of content on there all the time 🐥

We'd love to hear from you

That's all for now! Please reach out or add your suggestions directly to our public roadmap if you have feedback or questions. You can even vote for features already planned to expedite them. If you want to chat to us directly or connect with other users, you can also find us in the Tability Slack Community.

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